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Marine Ecosystem Risk Team to hold Science for Sanctuaries Task Force Symposium

World map marking the locations of 14 national marine sanctuaries with blue circles, 2 marine national monuments with blue triangles, and 2 proposed national marine sanctuaries with white squares.
National marine sanctuaries map (Image credit: NOAA)

On September 3-5, the Science for Sanctuaries Task Force will hold a virtual symposium to bring together national marine sanctuary staff and researchers to foster knowledge sharing through storytelling. The Climate Program Office’s (CPO) Marine Ecosystem Risk Team (MERT) funds the researchers on the Task Force through the FY22 MERT NOFO. Amanda Chiachi, program analyst for CPO’s Modeling, Analysis, Predictions, and Projections (MAPP) program, co-organized the symposium.

Structured around storytelling, the symposium aims to ensure that research efforts meet sanctuary needs while engaging a broader audience. Speakers will present information as public-friendly stories rather than traditional conference talks. In addition, a panel of professional storytellers will attend the symposium to provide feedback and pitch potential stories. The goals of the symposium are to: 

  • Enhance communication and collaboration between Sanctuaries and Task Force (TF) projects at the approximate ‘half-way’ point of the original 3-year funding cycle;
  • Ensure that funded projects are heading in a direction that meet Sanctuary needs, including useful results and products;
  • Highlight Task Force science and Sanctuary functioning in ways that attract broader audiences and influence how they think, feel, and act; 
  • Inspire invited storytellers to use their talents to help spread our stories widely and effectively; 
  • Enhance knowledge sharing by inviting all involved in science teams, the sanctuaries, and others interested in how scientists, sanctuaries, and communicators can join forces to address climate challenges.

The symposium advances a broader effort to align the needs of the National Marine Sanctuary System with NOAA Oceanic and Atmospheric Research climate science capacity and products. It is part of MERT’s initiative to advance NOAA’s stewardship mission through facilitating collaboration between the Office of National Marine Sanctuaries and other NOAA programs, as well as labs and sanctuaries.

Learn more about MERT »

For more information, contact Zac Cannizzo, Amanda Chiachi, or Clara Deck.

Marine Ecosystem Risk Team to hold Science for Sanctuaries Task Force Symposium

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