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ACCAP, a NOAA CAP/RISA, awards small grants to four statewide and regional non-profit organizations


The Alaska Center for Climate Assessment and Policy (ACCAP), a NOAA CAP/RISA team, has awarded four small grants to statewide and regional non-profit organizations to enhance capacity for resilience and climate adaptation in Alaska Native communities. The US Arctic Research Commission is collaborating in the effort by funding one of the four awardees. These grants are intended to develop leadership, build relationships and mutual learning, and increase awareness of ACCAP’s products and services for climate challenges.

The awards were granted to the four following awardees:

  • The Chugach Regional Resources Commission (CRRC) is an inter-tribal consortia formed by seven Tribes in the Chugach Region to protect the subsistence lifestyle through the development and implementation of natural resource management programs. They will use their award to support the assessment of climate change effects on marine ecosystems, marine mammals, and Tribal users. This information will help update resource management plans and other climate adaptation needs.
  • The Copper River Native Association (CRNA) is a tribal health organization established through 6 compacted Ahtna villages to provide comprehensive, integrated health care to local communities. They will use their award to hire a Climate Change Coordinator who will focus on climate change mitigation and adaptation activities, as well as projects that improve the climate resilience and preparedness of Copper River Valley communities.
  • The Kodiak Area Native Association (KANA) provides health care and social services for the Alaska Natives and our communities throughout the Koniag region with focus on their Alaska Native Beneficiaries. They will use their award to support the development of a locally based and regionally-driven Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy that focuses on areas such as energy, fisheries, agriculture, food security, broadband, mariculture, and tourism. They will also use the support to continue an ongoing water quality monitoring program.
  • The Yukon River Inter-Tribal Watershed Council consists of 73 First Nations and Tribes, dedicated to the protection and preservation of the Yukon River Watershed through technical assistance, research, and providing training, education, and awareness programs. They will use their award to support a Tribal Climate Resilience Coordinator, who will be working on enhancing the resilience of Yukon River Watershed tribal communities by developing capacity to proactively adapt to changing water resources.

Learn more about ACCAP’s small grants »

For more information, contact Jessica Garrison.

Image credit: Elizabeth Figus

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