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Climate and Societal Interactions Division (CSI)

The Climate and Societal Interactions (CSI) Division’s mission is to improve resilience and preparedness in diverse socio-economic regions and sectors throughout the US and abroad through the use of climate knowledge and information. Our research advances the nation’s understanding of climate-related risks and vulnerabilities across sectors and regions, and the development of tools to foster more informed decision making. These efforts support NOAA’s vision to create and sustain enhanced resilience in ecosystems, communities, and economies.

Science For Adaptation

CSI-supported research seeks to generate the knowledge, tools, and institutional networks that enhance society’s capacity to anticipate, plan for, and adapt to climate impacts. By supporting partnerships between scientists and stakeholders, CSI enhances the capacity of decision makers to effectively co-produce and utilize climate information in risk management, adaptation, and sustainable development. Our focus complements the work of the physical science research and development portfolio across NOAA by using insights from social science research to interpret, synthesize, and apply climate data, analysis, and observations.


Port, ships, fishing boat
The Climate and Fisheries Adaptation program is announcing eight new three-year Fiscal Year 2023 projects focused on increased understanding and promoting the adaptation and resilience of U.S. marine fisheries and fishing communities to rapidly changing climate and ocean conditions.
A CSI-funded researcher interviews a rancher in Hawai’i to better understand the impacts of drought on her ranch operations. Credit: V. Keener
A CSI-funded researcher interviews a rancher in Hawai’i to better understand the impacts of drought on her ranch operations. Credit: V. Keener

Building Capacity and Partnerships

The establishment of partnerships with other agencies and organizations to jointly support these goals is an important element of our work. CSI staff play a critical role in brokering both knowledge and partnerships to support the mission and objectives of the Division, contributing to efforts such as the US Global Change Research Program, the National Climate Assessment, the President’s Climate Action Plan, and numerous other interagency and scientific efforts focused on resilience and adaptation. Finally, CSI plays a pivotal role in supporting research and development activities for the Coping with Drought initiative of the National Integrated Drought Information System (NIDIS).

CSI comprises the following programs:

Photo of various attendees at a RISA Meeting

Climate Adaptation Partnerships (CAP), formerly known as Regional Integrated Sciences and Assessments (RISA)

CAP/RISA supports regional research teams across the U.S. that conduct innovative, interdisciplinary, stakeholder-driven, and regionally relevant research that informs resource management, planning, and public policy.


The Adaptation Sciences (AdSci) Program

NOAA’s Adaptation Sciences (AdSci) research program (established in FY 2021) is designed to advance the knowledge, methods and frameworks needed to move society beyond incremental adaptation toward more widespread, connected, adaptive pathways, and resilience strategies with clear economic and societal co-benefits. Research focuses on the integration of acute and chronic stressors that occur over multiple timescales, which can lead to cascading impacts that threaten to overwhelm and undermine systems important to daily life and social and economic well-being.


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