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Notice of Funding Opportunities

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A new study projects that under the highest-emission scenario, 62 percent of the world’s land area could face more frequent and severe multi-year droughts, highlighting urgent challenges for global water resource management.

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Liping Zhang and Hiroyuki Murakami, scientists at the NOAA’s Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory, have been awarded funding for their climate projections project, “Detection of AMOC…
Michael Tippett, a climate researcher at Columbia University, has been awarded funding for their role as a co-PI in the climate projections project, “Improving Climate…
Newly funded MAPP project on US hydroclimate projections, addresses critical model challenges and stakeholder engagement for a more resilient future.”…
Kathleen Pegion, an associate professor and researcher at the University of Oklahoma, has been awarded funding for their climate projections project, “Bridging Predictions and Projections:…
Abbie Liel, a researcher at the University of Colorado, Boulder, has been awarded funding for their role as a co-PI in the climate projections project,…
Dan McEvoy, a researcher at the Desert Research Institute, has been awarded funding for their role as a co-PI in the climate projections project, “Understanding…
MAPP project commences to enhance the reliability of multi-decadal projections for the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO), unraveling its intricate links to extreme weather and coastal…
Timothy Delsole, a senior research scientist and professor at George Mason University, has been awarded funding for their climate projections project, “Improving Climate Predictions by…
Unraveling the complex dynamics of tropical cyclones and extreme heat intersections, a new MAPP-funded research project utilizes cutting-edge modeling systems to provide unprecedented insights into…
New research project explores emergent constraints and quantifies uncertainties to enhance the precision of climate projections for over-land temperature and terrestrial precipitation extremes….
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