The theme for this year’s workshop is “The Role of Ocean Observations for Improving Indonesian Climate Services-The Principles, Modelling and Real-time Products,” to include:
- Continuing to Build BMKG’s Climate Decision Support Services with OAR and NWS training on the Implementation of Ocean-Climate Observations, Modelling, Data Analysis and Delivery of Information,
- Demonstrating the Crucial Role of Indian Ocean Observations, such as IndOOS, and RAMA and NOAA’s Global Drifter Program (GDP), for Understanding and Predicting Regional Weather, Ocean and Climate,
- Learning how ocean observations can be assimilated towards Seasonal Climate Prediction using Climate Forecast System (CFS), North American Multi-Model Ensemble (NMME) and other Models,
- Identifying existing opportunities for building successful climate services as well as gaps to address in long-term planning, including practical knowledge of existing NOAA products and services available for use in Indonesia,
- Developing Human Capacity needed to Acquire, Process and Deliver Climate Services to include Research and Educational Opportunities at the University of Washington, and Summer Training at the NOAA Center for Weather and Climate Prediction (NCWCP).
In exchange for NOAA’s capacity development, training and education, Indonesia provides 30 days gratis ship support for the annual servicing of NOAA’s eastern Indian Ocean moorings of the “Research Moored Array for African-Asian-Australian Monsoon Analysis and Prediction” (RAMA). Such “resource-sharing” Partnerships between developing and developed Nations are consistent with the objectives of the IOC/WMO Joint Technology Commissions for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology (JCOMM) PANGEA concept.