Funded Projects
- Year Funded: 2014
- Principal Investigators: Dian J. Seidel, NOAA Air Resources Laboratory; Amy H. Bulter, University of Colorado/CIRES and NOAA/ESRL
- Year Funded: 2009
- Principal Investigators: Ron Lindsay, University of Washington
- Year Funded: 2014
- Principal Investigators: Meghan F. Cronin, NOAA/PMEL
- Year Funded: 2011
- Principal Investigators: John Walsh, U. Alaska-Fairbanks; Florence Fetterer, NOAA/NGDC
- Year Funded: 2011
- Principal Investigators: Scott Woodruff, NOAA/ESRL/CIRES; Steve Worley, UCAR; Shawn Smith, Florida State University; Eric Freeman, NOAA/NCDC
- Year Funded: 2011
- Principal Investigators: Hali Kilbourne, U. Maryland Center for Environmental Science; Joseph Barsugli, CIRES
- Year Funded: 2014
- Principal Investigators: Frank Marks, Jr., NOAA/OAR/AOML/ Hurricane Research Division
- Year Funded: 2011
- Principal Investigators: Frank Marks, NOAA/OAR/AOML; Chris Landsea, NOAA/NWS/NHC; Andrew Solow, Woods Hole
- Year Funded: 2021
- Principal Investigators: Nga Lee (Sally) Ng (Georgia Institute of Technology)
- Year Funded: 2021
- Principal Investigators: Paul Wennberg (California Institute of Technology)