Marine Ecosystems Risk Team member, Zac Cannizzo led an internal sanctuary learning exchange on June 29 to introduce sanctuary research and management staff to the new Physical Sciences Laboratory (PSL) marine heatwaves forecasting tool and facilitate a discussion around its applicability to sanctuary management. The interactive webinar featured Drs. Mike Jacox of PSL/SWFSC and Mike Alexander of PSL who demonstrated the new tool, its features, and described how it could be useful to sanctuary planning and management. The webinar spurred a discussion between the presenters and sanctuary staff around how the tool could be applicable to sanctuary management, and improvements/features that could improve its applicability and usefulness for sanctuary managers. This learning exchange grew out of the needs identified during Sanctuaries Climate Science Priorities Workshop organized and held by the CPO Marine Ecosystem Risk Team (MERT) in January 2021 and is an example of how the MERT initiative has successfully fostered cross-NOAA partnerships to address the climate information needs of sanctuaries. The fostering and development of partnerships to provide products such as this learning exchange is an important component of CPO and OAR’s growing partnership with the Office of National Marine Sanctuaries (ONMS). The goal of the Marine Ecosystems Risk Team (MERT) initiative is to reinforce and expand the application of climate science in National Marine Sanctuaries activities to support NOAA’s Stewardship mission.
For more information, contact Zac Cannizzo.