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South Central RISA Creates Texas Temperature Dashboard

While other resources exist that present regional or national trends in temperatures, few tools provide such information on a local level. The dashboard incorporates overall temperature trends as well as trends in indicators like extreme heat and warm nights, offering insight into changes in heat that can have public health ramifications as well as economic impacts.

South Central RISA Creates Texas Temperature Dashboard Read More »

USDA Forest Service Leverages CPO-Sponsored Tool for Climate Projections

By investing in development of the open-source Climate Explorer tool, CPO’s Communication Education and Engagement division enabled the Forest Service to build a derivative tool for their information needs at a fraction of the cost of developing a new tool. The Climate by Forest tool will allow them to access climate projection data by ecoregion within National Forest System lands.

USDA Forest Service Leverages CPO-Sponsored Tool for Climate Projections Read More »

Government Interventions Rather Than Climate Conditions Primarily Curb COVID-19’s Spread, NOAA and International Team Say

A new report cautions that weather and climate conditions, including the onset of higher temperatures during spring, should not be used as a trigger to relax COVID-19 transmission reduction measures.

Government Interventions Rather Than Climate Conditions Primarily Curb COVID-19’s Spread, NOAA and International Team Say Read More »

Climate Change Brings Challenges for the CNMI: Stronger Storms, Coral Loss, and Health Risks

According to a new climate change assessment report for the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, led by members of CPO’s Pacific Regional Integrated Sciences and Assessment team (Pacific RISA) and co-supported by CPO’s Assessments Program, threatened resources include high-value coastal infrastructure and the millions of dollars that ocean ecosystems add to the CNMI economy annually.

Climate Change Brings Challenges for the CNMI: Stronger Storms, Coral Loss, and Health Risks Read More »

California-Nevada RISA Develops Nevada Climate Assessment

The first formal state climate assessment for Nevada, it covers heat, drought, snow loss, flood and wildfire risk changes associated with impacts to public health, water resources, habitats, recreation and hospitality, and agriculture and ranching.

California-Nevada RISA Develops Nevada Climate Assessment Read More »

Study Finds Increasing Widespread Western U.S. Fire Danger and Fire Suppression Resource Strain

Widespread fire danger and fire activity during active fire seasons can overwhelm fire suppression resource capacity, limiting the effectiveness of managing fires and potentially increasing fire impacts.

Study Finds Increasing Widespread Western U.S. Fire Danger and Fire Suppression Resource Strain Read More »

Study Uses Novel Approach to Assess Extreme Event Impacts in Alaska

The study led by the Alaska Center for Climate Assessment and Policy (ACCAP), a CPO RISA team, reveals multiple weather-related impacts from extreme events in Alaska and suggests the frequency and timing of these extreme events will change in the decades to come.

Study Uses Novel Approach to Assess Extreme Event Impacts in Alaska Read More »

The Climate Resilience Fund Announces New Awards to Accelerate U.S. Climate Resilience-Building, in Partnership with CPO

From land-use planning to energy and transportation, decision makers in many sectors across the country are increasingly seeking tools, services, and resources to build resilience to climate-related impacts at local and regional levels.

The Climate Resilience Fund Announces New Awards to Accelerate U.S. Climate Resilience-Building, in Partnership with CPO Read More »

Research approach helps identify communities vulnerable to wildfire smoke events

Closer examination to impacts across space and time will help public health officials identify and communicate to the most vulnerable communities as smoke plumes spread.

Research approach helps identify communities vulnerable to wildfire smoke events Read More »

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