As part of their monthly Green Infrastructure, Climate, and Cities Seminar Series, the Consortium for Climate Risk in the Urban Northeast’s (CCRUN), a NOAA CAP/RISA team, November webinar is “The Passive House Network: a building methodology for drastically reducing energy use and climate warming emissions in the built environment.” The Passive House is a building energy efficiency standard focused on occupant comfort and health as drivers of energy efficiency, and other benefits such as resiliency, healthy indoor air, and reduced carbon emissions. Ken Levenson, Executive Director of The Passive House, will present on the 5 principles of Passive House and how it can be used to drastically lower energy use in buildings, as well as create a comfortable, healthy indoor environment for those inside.
The webinar will take place on December 7, 2022 at 4:00 PM EST.
Learn more about CCRUN and view previous webinar recordings »
For more information, contact Nikki Pearl or Jessica Garrison.
Image credit: CCRUN