The National Academies’ Committee to Advise the US Global Change Research Program (USGCRP) held its Spring 2024 meeting on April 17-18 to address two primary discussion topics: (1) Tools and platforms for climate services; and (2) selection and use of scenarios for NCA6 and other USGCRP products and activities. As part of the Climate Services Tools and Platforms discussion, there was a panel discussion on lessons learned from existing federal climate services platforms and tools.
During the panel, CPO/CEE Division Chief David Herring gave an overview presentation on the Climate Resilience Toolkit, Climate Explorer and Climate Mapping for Resilience and Adaptation (CMRA) tools, and the ongoing development of the Climate Resilience Information System (CRIS).
For more information, contact David Herring.
Image credit: National Academies of Science, Engineering, & Medicine