On September 20th, Frank Niepold will be joining a fireside chat with Justin Worland, Senior Correspondent for TIME, at NEST Climate Campus in NYC. Additionally, Frank will join the “Catalyzing Change: Communication for Action” panel discussion at the Global Futures 2023 Conference to also highlight the importance of public climate literacy on September 21st. The panel will include Colin Butfield the co-Founder and Executive Director for the Studio Silverback, Anthony Leiserowitz the Founder and Director of the Yale Program on Climate Change Communication, and Brian MacCraith the Senior Advisor and Professor of Practice, Arizona State University. These public engagements are key now given NOAA is co-leading the update to the Climate Literacy Guide for the U.S. Global Change Research Program.
This document has been updated from the 2009 version in several ways, based on advances in the fields of climate science, social science, psychology, and education. An extensive public comment period provided feedback on what topics and formats would be most useful to current and potential users of the guide. In response, the federal authors from across the government have expanded the focus of the guide beyond just climate science, added justice, Indigenous Knowledge, and action as key cross-cutting topics, and added a section on skills, competencies, and abilities.
For more information, contact Frank Niepold.