The Atmospheric Chemistry, Carbon Cycle, and Climate (AC4) program, part of NOAA’s Climate Program Office, recently participated in two prestigious conferences.
The bi-annual Atmospheric Chemistry Colloquium for Emerging Senior Scientists (ACESSS) gathers 25 top recent PhD recipients in atmospheric chemistry as well as federal program managers from NOAA, NASA, DOE and NSF. The meeting is described as an opportunity for “promising young atmospheric chemists” to learn about federal research programs and to network with each other
At the event, which took place from July 25 to 27 at Brookhaven National Laboratory, Monika Kopacz gave a presentation about atmospheric chemistry at NOAA, including in the AC4 program.
Adjacent to the ACCESS colloquium, Kopacz participated in the Gordon Conference on Atmospheric Chemistry, partly supported by funds from AC4.
The Gordon Conference took place in Mount Snow, Vt. from July 28 to Aug. 2. Seventeen AC4 PIs and co-PIs have presented their work at the conference, in both poster and invited speaker formats.
This year’s conference was co-chaired by Steve Brown of NOAA’s Earth Science Research Laboratory (ESRL) Chemical Sciences Division (CSD).