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A new study projects that under the highest-emission scenario, 62 percent of the world’s land area could face more frequent and severe multi-year droughts, highlighting urgent challenges for global water resource management.

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As a follow-up to the NOAA Climate Program Office (CPO) series celebrating Women’s History Month, CPO communications analyst Amber Liggett interviewed climate scientist Dr. Kate…
The Northeast Pacific Ocean has experienced episodes of intense and persistent abnormally warm conditions, also known as marine heatwaves, that have devastating ecological and economic…
Researchers, co-funded by MAPP and NIDIS, analyze how the southwestern 2000-2021 drought compares to historical droughts, and offer projections for the future….
The focus group brought together NOAA practitioners working at the intersection of climate change, blue carbon, and blue carbon habitats to foster discussion on adaptation,…
New research finds that internal atmospheric variability plays a role alongside anthropogenic greenhouse gases in the warming of the upper Arctic Ocean over the last…
The pandemic has presented a unique opportunity to study the atmosphere’s response to widespread and sudden emission reductions.
Researchers are studying whether tropical storms can help mitigate drought conditions in affected regions of the United States.
Researchers are studying whether tropical storms can help mitigate drought conditions in affected regions of the United States….
The pandemic presented a unique opportunity to study the atmosphere’s response to widespread and sudden emission reductions, documented in a new publication in Environmental Research…
This study is the first to construct a detailed description of a specific ocean property—mixed layer depth—and its seasonal cycle for the Northeast U.S. continental…
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