On August 10, NOAA’s Climate Program Office (CPO) announced its FY 2013 federal funding opportunity. Individual programs within CPO will now be accepting letters of intent and project applications. The full announcement of opportunity is available on the CPO Funding Opportunities page and on the Grants.Gov website.
In FY 2013, NOAA will accept individual applications for 7 competitions, organized around the following programs: Earth System Science; Modeling Analysis, Predictions, and Projections; and Climate and Societal Interactions.
PLEASE NOTE: the deadline for final applications has been extended to 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time, Nov. 16, 2012.
The Climate Program Office was established in October 2005 to oversee the agency’s climate portfolio and to manage the competitive research program that funds high-priority science to advance the understanding and prediction of the Earth system and climate processes. CPO also supports multi-disciplinary research and assessments designed to foster the effective use of climate information for informed decision making.
Get more information and apply online.