The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) has formed the Air Quality and Community Health Research Subcommittee (ACRS) to conduct the coordination of air quality and associated community level health impacts and exposure disparities, with a focus on communities with environmental justice concerns. This subcommittee is to some extent a continuation of the long-standing Air Quality Research Subcommittee (AQRS), which was co-chaired by NOAA Chemical Sciences Laboratory’s Greg Frost, and whose charter expired under previous Administration, but is now expanded to include community health. ACRS will be led collaboratively by NOAA, EPA, and NIEHS and co-chaired by CPO’s Atmospheric Chemistry, Carbon Cycle and Climate (AC4) Program Manager Monika Kopacz, with Greg Frost as the alternate. The subcommittee aims to coordinate events and initiatives including field studies as early as 2023, engaging participants from NOAA, NSF, EPA, DOE, NASA, and other air quality and health relevant agencies.