In May, members of the North Atlantic Regional Team (NART), including CPO representative to NART Jen Dopkowski, attended a Mystic River Watershed Association-led site visit to four locations within the watershed. The site visit included NART coordinator Nicole Bartlett, and NART members Jen Dopkowski (OAR/CPO) and Colleen Roche (NOS/OCS). Other NOAA attendees included Dani Boudreau (NOS/OCM), Eric Hutchins (NMFS/RC), Rob Megnia (NWS Norton), and Allison Rosner (B-WET). They visited four locations with potential for NOAA involvement in Chelsea and met with local partners (city of Chelsea, Greenroots, city of East Boston, MA Audubon, MA Dept of Conservation & Recreation, Friends of Belle Isle Marsh).
NOAA staff provided insight and recommendations for the sites as well as ideas for potential partnerships and collaborations. The overall site visit and discussions were a great opportunity for NOAA to connect with communities engaged in regional, place-based work with the goal of promoting community economic, environmental and social well- being.
For more information, contact Jen Dopkowski or Nicole Bartlett.
Image credit: Jen Dopkowski