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Women’s History Month 2022 Campaign Round-Up

In March 2022, NOAA Climate Program Office (CPO) and NOAA Research held an interview campaign that highlighted CPO staff scientists and CPO-funded scientists for Women’s History Month.

Lei Hu
Lei Hu

Lei Hu

Lei Hu is a CIRES research scientist working at the NOAA Global Monitoring Laboratory’s Halocarbon and other Trace Species Division and Carbon Cycle and Greenhouse Gas Division in Boulder, Colorado.

In her research, Lei uses atmospheric observations around the world and inverse modeling to quantify regional emissions and removals of greenhouse gases. Additionally, part of Lei’s research focuses on ozone-destroying substances and their substitutes, which are also potent greenhouse gases. Some of her previous work was funded by NOAA Climate Program Office

Gigi Owen, social scientist
Gigi Owen, social scientist

Gigi Owen

Gigi Owen is a social scientist funded by CPO’s Regional Integrated Sciences and Assessments (RISA) program. She works for the Climate Assessment for the Southwest (CLIMAS) RISA Team, which is housed at University of Arizona in Tucson. Gigi  mentors students, engages with local communities, and explores impacts of social and environmental stressors on the Southwest.

At CLIMAS, several years ago, Gigi  conducted a social network analysis of the wildfire management community, which involved surveys and several in-depth interviews with wildfire managers in the Southwest. 

Nancy Beller-Simms

Nancy Beller-Simms  

Nancy Beller-Simms leads the newly-formed Adaptation Sciences Program at NOAA’s Climate Program Office, Climate and Societal Interactions Division.

One of Nancy’s favorite career memories is a project she worked on with long-time colleagues in the Environmental Protection Agency as well as several water foundations and NGOs. They knew their work with small and medium sized communities’ water resource-focused agencies was both wanted and needed. Staff members from these small organizations needed more nurturing in their understanding and use of NOAA scientific information. Through years of working together, they conducted studies on water resource needs and created tools and informational videos in response to their findings. In the last year and a half, they designed two webinar series to bring this information more directly to the public. 

They were excited when over 2,100 individuals registered for their  first webinar series on “Our Changing Precipitation” (they were used to 100-200 registrants). That was dwarfed by their next series entitled “Showcasing Leading Practices in Climate Adaptation: Experiences from the Water Sector to Empower Other Sectors and Communities” with over 5,000 individuals who registered, primarily from small communities.

Andrea Miralles-Barboza
Andrea Miralles-Barboza

Andrea Miralles-Barboza

Andrea Miralles-Barboza works in NOAA’s Climate Program Office, under the Climate and Societal Interactions Division. She is a Knauss Fellow focusing on international climate adaptation. 

Andrea calls herself a “social climate scientist”. What it means to her is that she has social science training (in anthropology) and has always been really interested in studying the relationship between humans and the environment, specifically in marine and coastal climate-related contexts. So Andrea’s work combines those two fields. 

Kathie Dello
Kathie Dello

Kathie Dello

Kathie Dello is the state climatologist of North Carolina and the director of the North Carolina State Climate Office (NCSCO). She is the 5th permanent director and first woman to hold this position at the NCSCO in the office’s history. Kathie also serves as the co-director of the NOAA Regional Integrated Sciences and Assessment (RISA) for the Carolinas, the Carolinas Collaborative on Climate, Health, and Equity (C3HE). 

Kathie was a lead author for the 2020 North Carolina Climate Science Report. 

Kate Marvel
Kate Marvel

Kate Marvel

Kate Marvel has been funded by CPO’s Modeling, Analysis, Predictions, and Projections (MAPP) program. She is also co-lead of the NOAA Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 (CMIP6) Task Force. Kate is a Research Scientist at the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies and the Columbia Center for Climate Systems Research. She is a well-known science writer and storyteller based in New York City. 

Kate has highlighted that stories help reach people on the subject of climate. The most painful thing for her has been the realization that it’s not enough to be right. It’s not enough to do good science. It’s not enough to say things that are true, because people don’t relate to graphs and equations and charts, people relate to stories. Additionally, there’s no one story that’s going to resonate with everybody. 

The NOAA Climate Program Office and NOAA Research extends a huge thank you to all six of these scientists for sharing their stories and career highlights as a part of the Women’s History Month campaign.

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