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Climate Resilience Toolkit team contributed to federal agencies’ Climate Adaptation Plan updates

Custom applications featuring data from the Climate Mapping for Resilience and Adaptation portal facilitated updates to federal Climate Adaptation Plans.



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The CEE Division continues to support FEMA National Exercise Division training requests for every region in the nation. This activity will run through calendar year…
This presentation supports CPO’s goals of outreach, education, and sharing information so decision-makers can make informed decisions using the most current climate knowledge….
Learn how the CMRA portal and Assessment Tool can assist communities in understanding their exposure to common climate hazards, now and in the future….
More than 10 CPO staff, research team members, and interns will attend and present on climate-related topics at the 2023 American Meteorological Society (AMS) meeting….
This international chapter reflects programs and initiatives designed to enhance climate change education, training, and public awareness throughout the country….
CEE team members collaborated with Arctic experts to produce a collection of magazine-quality maps and other data visualizations for the report’s release on December 13…
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