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Image credit: NOAA NOS
The autumn transition in the Arctic’s Beaufort-Chukchi seas is marked by a rapidly cooling ocean surface that leads to early sea ice formation.

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A paper about increasing tropical cyclone intensity, published earlier this year and funded by a Climate Observations and Monitoring (COM) project award, is ranked as…
A study funded by both CPO’s COM and MAPP programs shows the newest version of the NOAA-CIRES-DOE 20th Century Reanalysis Product produces useful estimates for…
University of Washington researchers, funded in part by CPO’s Climate Observation and Monitoring (COM) program show that coral-only proxy reconstructions are more skillful with regards…
“Everyone here is smart. Distinguish yourself by being kind.” – Emily Bernhardt, ecologist and biogeochemist Those are words to live by for Dr. Sylvia…
Climate Observations and Monitoring (COM)-supported research provides evidence to reconcile a long-standing debate on identifying the mechanisms underlying the Atlantic Multidecadal Variability….
The future of the El Niño Southern Oscillation, or ENSO, is the subject of a new book published by the American Geophysical Union….
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