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Image credit: NOAA NOS
The autumn transition in the Arctic’s Beaufort-Chukchi seas is marked by a rapidly cooling ocean surface that leads to early sea ice formation.

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Extreme warm events are increasing in frequency, duration, and extent across North America while extreme cold events are decreasing, though COM-funded researchers find some surprising…
Predicting periods of relatively higher flood risk would allow officials to prepare and deploy resources more in advance….
Their framework has useful applications for analyzing tropical cyclone forecasts and could help improve understanding of where and how often tropical cyclones may occur in…
Tropical cyclone formation and intensity is influenced by the amount of heat stored in the upper ocean, which depends on factors such as wind speed…
This protype milestone is an important step toward increasing the use and accessibility of NOAA’s ocean data collected at the Pacific Marine Environmental Lab and…
Arctic change is generally discussed with average changes, but extreme events and changes to extremes are felt the most by humans and ecosystems….
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