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A new study projects that under the highest-emission scenario, 62 percent of the world’s land area could face more frequent and severe multi-year droughts, highlighting urgent challenges for global water resource management.

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Better representation of mountain range heights could help reduce biases in how global climate models simulate important atmospheric and climate processes….
The Subseasonal to Seasonal (S2S) Prediction Task Force helped advance NOAA’s and the nation’s capability to model and predict sources of predictability between weather and…
A recent study bridges observations and modeling, and shows a way to make improvements to the observational instruments climate scientists rely on to study global…
While drought is commonly defined by precipitation and runoff deficits, the study challenges this understanding by proposing a new definition: anthropogenic drought. Within human‐water systems,…
“There has always been natural variability in drought events around the world, but our research shows the clear human influence on drying, specifically from anthropogenic…
New research highlights the application of reanalysis products, including the 20th Century Reanalysis Project (20CRv3), to understanding coastal hazards in a changing climate….
The advances described in 13 papers represent outcomes from research funded by the National Integrated Drought Information System (NIDIS) and Modeling, Analysis, Predictions and Projections…
In a new EOS Opinion Article, MAPP Drought Task Force leaders Rong Fu, Andrew Hoell, Justin Mankin, and Isla Simpson, working with NIDIS staff member…
Dr. Camargo journeyed from Brazil’s most populous city to New York in 1999. She came with little more than a passion for physics and mathematics,…
In honor of Women’s History Month, we are profiling female staff and scientists who work at the NOAA Climate Program Office (CPO) or are…
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