The fourth Drought Task Force (DTF4), a coordinated effort between NIDIS and MAPP, launched on October 9th. DTF4 follows in the footsteps of a series of successful DTF efforts that have created a national community of practice for drought research, leading to improved predictions, monitoring, modeling, and understanding of drought. Past DTFs have applied their research to ongoing or emergent drought events using these case studies to test and demonstrate their R&D.
The new Task Force is led by Rong Fu (UCLA), Andy Hoell (NOAA ESRL/PSL), Justin Mankin (Dartmouth College), and Isla Simpson (NCAR). DTF4 will turn its attention to NIDIS’ efforts at building regional Drought Early Warning Systems, and research that can support improved prediction and monitoring of drought, and can inform communities with the latest research results to advance drought resilience. To learn more about this task force and its members, please visit our page.