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Climate Adaptation Partnerships Program

Planners, emergency managers and other decision makers are using SCIPP’s Simple Planning Tool. The tool continues to evolve to meet the needs of stakeholders across the region.

Planners, emergency managers and other decision makers are using SCIPP’s Simple Planning Tool. The tool continues to evolve to meet the needs of stakeholders across the region.

More News

The Carolinas Collaborative for Climate, Health, and Equity (C3HE), a NOAA CAP/RISA team, Co-PI Miyuki Hino’s new sensor framework finds that flood frequency estimated from…
Darrian Bertrand, SCIPP’s Climate Assessment Specialist, collaborated with Kim Jenson at the Oklahoma Department of Emergency Management and Homeland Security to help alleviate misconceptions and…
NOAA’s CAP/RISA network was well represented at the 2023 meeting for the American Association of Geographers in Denver, CO, with 15 members of the network…
The Consortium for Climate Risk in the Urban Northeast’s (CCRUN), a NOAA CAP/RISA team, will host a panel discussion with the co-leads of the Climate…
The Mid-Atlantic Regional Integrated Sciences and Assessments (MARISA), a NOAA CAP/RISA team, principal investigators co-author new publication titled, “Rhodium-SWMM: An open-source tool for green infrastructure…
This work helps link NOAA’s capabilities with islands including U.S. territories and APIs in support of resilience and addresses climate resilience and sustainable development….
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