On November 18, CPO Marine Ecosystems Risk Team (MERT) member, Zac Cannizzo–holding a joint position with CPO and the NOAA Office of National Marine Sanctuaries (ONMS) Marine Protected Areas Center–led an internal sanctuary learning exchange to introduce sanctuary research and management staff to the satellite data portfolio of NOAA CoastWatch. The interactive webinar featured CoastWatch staff and focused on how the CoastWatch data, tools, and capabilities can be used to inform sanctuaries science and management, including climate change assessment and adaptation. The webinar spurred a discussion between CoastWatch and sanctuary science staff around how the tool and products shared could be leveraged for sanctuary use through enhanced partnerships. This webinar grew out of the needs identified during the Sanctuaries Virtual Climate Priorities Focus Groups that MERT organized and held in September. The fostering and development of partnerships to provide products such as this learning exchange is an important component of CPO’s growing partnership with ONMS to address the climate information needs of sanctuaries. The goal of the MERT initiative is to reinforce and expand the application of climate science in National Marine Sanctuaries activities to support NOAA’s Stewardship mission.