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CEE News

Citizen Scientists Take to the Streets to Map the Hottest Places in Ten U.S. Cities

Citizen scientists will take to the streets during the hottest days this summer to map hot spots in ten different U.S. cities. The campaign is part of a NOAA-funded project to map places where buildings, asphalt, and other parts of urban environments can amplify high temperatures, putting people at heightened risk of heat illness during extreme heat events.

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New Heat Maps Help Cities Prepare for Longer, More Intense Heat Waves

In the summers of 2017 and 2018, citizen scientists in Richmond, VA, the District of Columbia, and Baltimore, MD, gathered temperature data all over their cities on days when temperatures reached at least 95°F. The results, as outlined in a NOAA article from 2018, show that air temperatures in some areas of the city can be up to 17°F hotter than other areas during the same time of day. On days when local temperatures climb above 95°F, the additional heat emitted by paved and concrete structures can produce dangerously hot temperatures in some neighborhoods. 

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CPO announces FY16 Federal Funding Opportunities

CPO’s Programs are seeking applications for 10 individual competitions in FY 2016. We estimate that $14 million will be available through this Announcement in FY 2016 for approximately 100 new awards pending budget appropriations.  It is anticipated that most awards will be at a funding level between $50,000 and $300,000 per year, with some exceptions for larger awards.  Visit for more detailed information and instructions.

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NOAA’s Climate Program Office Announces FY18 Federal Funding Opportunities

CPO’s programs are seeking applications for 7 individual competitions in FY 2018 for an estimated $10 million available and approximately 100 new awards pending budget appropriations. It is anticipated that most awards will be at a funding level between $50,000 and $300,000 per year, with some exceptions for larger awards. Visit for more detailed information and instructions.

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Climate-Smart Strategies for Coastal Communities: Taking Advantage of the Community Rating System

This webinar will orient coastal managers to taking advantage of the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), which provides a consistent means of acquiring insurance against flooding from storm surge, precipitation, and other sources.

Climate-Smart Strategies for Coastal Communities: Taking Advantage of the Community Rating System Read More »

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