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Climate Adaptation Partnerships Program

Planners, emergency managers and other decision makers are using SCIPP’s Simple Planning Tool. The tool continues to evolve to meet the needs of stakeholders across the region.

Planners, emergency managers and other decision makers are using SCIPP’s Simple Planning Tool. The tool continues to evolve to meet the needs of stakeholders across the region.

More News

The Mid-Atlantic Regional Integrated Sciences and Assessments (MARISA), a NOAA CAP/RISA team, members publish new tool which suggests optimal investments for mitigating urban heat and…
Philip Orton of NOAA CAP/RISA team CCRUN will speak at a flood infrastructure teach-in to better understand the US Army Corps of Engineers’ proposed plan…
The Alaska Center for Climate Assessment and Policy (ACCAP), a NOAA, CAP/RISA team, is hosting a webinar titled “Arctic Report Card: Background and Key Findings”…
Researchers at WPI’s Global School have been awarded funding to co-create CCAN to foster knowledge sharing for more sustainable and equitable strategies for climate-action and…
Patrick Kinney and Patricia Fabian, from Consortium for Climate Risk in the Urban Northeast (CCRUN), a NOAA CAP/RISA team, published results of a co-authored study…
Rick Thoman co-authors the 2022 NOAA Arctic Report Card that reveals shifts in Arctic seasons, widespread disturbance, and the value of diverse observations….
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